Technical Committee

The DAGM has set up a Technical Committee (TC) to support the Executive Board in its work. Its tasks include public relations, maintaining contacts with other scientific institutions, and drafting suggestions for future research topics. The TC is to develop perspectives for future-oriented work in the area of pattern recognition; in particular it shall make suggestions for the organization of DAGM meetings and establish communication structures.

The TC elects a Speaker. It is composed of a maximum of seven members, each of whom is a member for three years. They are elected by the General Meeting, with immediate reelection being permitted only once; the TC has a right of proposal. The Speaker of the TC, however, can be a member of the TC for a maximum of three consecutive election periods.

The Chairman and the Vice Chairman are invited to the sessions of the TC; further experts can be invited. § 8 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the quorum and voting procedure. The results and major discussion points of the TC sessions are recorded; a copy of the minutes is then forwarded to the Executive Board.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henrik Lensch, University of Tübingen, Germany
3. election period 2024-2027

Further Members

Prof. Dr. Daniel Cremers, Technical University of Munich, Germany
2. election period 2024-2027

Dr. Peter Gehler, Amazon Research, Tübingen, Germany
2. election period 2024-2027

Prof. Dr. Matthias Hein, University of Tübingen, Germany
2. election period 2022-2025

Prof. Dr. Hilde Kühne, University of Bonn, Germany
1. election period 2024-2027

Prof. Dr. Laura Leal-Taixé, Technical University of Munich, Germany
2. election period 2024-2027

Prof. Dr. Uwe Sörgel, University of Stuttgart, Germany
1. election period 2024-2027


Regularly invited guests

Prof. Dr. Bernt Schiele, Chairman of the DAGM, Max Planck Institute for Informatics Saarbrücken

Prof. Stefan Roth, Ph.D., Vice Chairman of the DAGM, Technical University of Darmstadt


Rules of Procedure of the Technical Committee