DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award 2025

(deadline for nominations: April 30, 2025)

Since 2015, the DAGM has annually granted the DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award. The Dissertation Award honors an outstanding dissertation successfully completed in the preceding year in the fields of pattern recognition, image processing, machine vision, and machine learning. An association with the DAGM is desirable. The Dissertation Award is donated by MVTec Software GmbH and consists of a financial award of 2500 euros. The dissertation is selected from all submissions by a jury appointed by the Executive Board and the Technical Committee of the DAGM. The DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award is presented during the DAGM annual conference DAGM GCPR. The award winner also receives a free full registration for the conference and for the accompanying workshops. The DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award honors outstanding dissertations of young scientists that have led to discernible progress in their respective fields of work.

Applications can be submitted with the application form  (pdf, latex, word) by April 30, 2025 to the Chairman of the DAGM.
(email: dissertation-award(at)dagm.de)


Previous Award Winners


The application documents

The dissertation must have been successfully completed in the calendar year prior to the application. The reference date is the date of the oral defense. A copy of the dissertation certificate must be attached.

The dissertation is to be submitted with the application as a pdf (maximum 5 MB) or as a link to a pdf version. The application is to be supported by the advisor's assessment of the dissertation. This should state what is significant about the work and what the problem and the independent contribution to the solution consist of. A short laudation in English (40 – 80 words) acknowledging the innovative contribution should be written under item 3.2. Where appropriate, further information or sources that illustrate the significance of the dissertation can be used under item 4. The entries should comply with the standards for citations. Please send the completed form sheets together with the attachments in electronic form (attachments as PDF files) to the Chairman of the DAGM, email: dissertation-award(at)dagm.de

Prof. Dr. Bernt Schiele
Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 4
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany