German Pattern Recognition Award 2025

(deadline for nominations: April 30, 2025)

Since 2011, the DAGM has annually granted the German Pattern Recognition Award for outstanding, internationally visible research in the fields of pattern recognition, computer vision, and machine learning. The German Pattern Recognition Award continues the tradition of the Olympus Award for Pattern Recognition (1992-2010). Its aim is to promote outstanding young scientists in the fields of pattern recognition, computer vision and machine learning. Internationally visible researchers in these fields who have (typically) not yet passed the age of 35 in the year of the awards presentation can be proposed. An association of the candidates with the DAGM is desirable. The German Pattern Recognition Award is donated by Daimler AG and consists of a financial award of 5000 euros.

Applications can be submitted with the nomination form  (pdf, latex, word)  to the Chairman of the DAGM.
(email: mustererkennungspreis (at)


Previous Award Winners


The application form

The applicant should not have passed the age of 35, as a rule. Justified exceptions are permitted. The German Pattern Recognition Award honors the work of young scientists that is thematically complete in itself and that has led to discernible progress in the respective field of work. The research can gain the desired significance both through viable theoretical knowledge and through its proven practical applicability. In item 5, this progress should be explained and defined relative to the state of the art. The entry should state what is significant about the research, what the problem and the independent contribution to the solution consist of, and which published research it carries forward.

A short laudation in English (40 – 80 words) acknowledging the innovative contribution should be written under item 5.2.

In item 6, the publications or patents that demonstrate the progress referred to under item 5 should be named. On an individual basis, these can be a monograph, articles in peer reviewed journals, a series of successive publications, or an outstanding dissertation.

Where appropriate, further information or sources that illustrate the significance of the research can be used under item 7. An extensive bibliography under item 6 or 7 not demonstrating the research described under item 5 would have no influence on the evaluation.

Entries under item 6 should comply with the standards for citations.

In item 8, only reviewers who are familiar with the area of work and who can evaluate the research described under item 5 should be named. Please attach up to three publications or other documents that in your opinion are particularly suitable for evaluating the research described under item 5. Please list them under item 9.

Please send the completed form sheets together with the attachments in electronic form (attachments as PDF files) to the Chairman of the DAGM, email: mustererkennungspreis(at)

Prof. Dr. Bernt Schiele
Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Saarland Informatics Campus E1 4
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany